Random Music Update
Two things ... and yes, they are about music, so forgive me ahead of time.
First off, I sort of like Crystal Skulls, a band signed with the small (but very good) Suicide Squeeze records. When I hear them, I think Orange Juice or Aztec Camera (that kind of light, poppy guitar sound) fused with heavier, grungier stuff ... nothing new in an incredibly exciting way, but pretty cool. Airport Motels is a nice opener for their album, I think ...
On a totally unrelatred note, I think I am going to see Melt Banana on April 27. Yes, Melt Banana as in that crazy, over-the-top Japanese "punk" band. Nowhere near as good as the Boredoms (who recently signed to vice), but entertaining, I am sure.
Melt Banana has been around for about 13 years, but for some weird reason, never became as "popular" as they are in American in their home country of Japan. I think popular is the wrong word, because no one knows them, and I don't even like them. It's just too good to pass up, (I think/hope) ...