Applied Communications
My taste in music seems to be totally unpredictable. I honestly do not know what it is that I listen for in bands that I hear, and what makes them stand out to me. I think I like high-energy, creative, and unique stuff, but then again, I have been (for example) listening to a lot of Grandaddy recently, so that rule has been proven false.
Applied Communications is definitely high-energy, and absolutely crazy, so maybe that's why I like them. They remind me of the Soft Pink Truth, had that group consisted of a more normal band lineup (guitar, bass, drums, maybe a keyboard ... )
Maybe you all should just listen to Do You Know What I'm Saying, and you will get my point.
I can't seem to find out where to purchase the record ... is it actually out yet? It's called, Uhhh Sort Of, in case anyone wants to investigate further.
While on the topic of music as usual, I will tell you about the Deerhoof concert! It was fantastic! The band's pure talent really stood out last night. I have never seen so much on-stage tuning by guitarists, and I was incredibly impressed by the intense-yet-restrained-when-needed drummer, and, of course, the little Japanese girl's vocals. I picked up their latest EP called Green Cosmos. It is a Japan-only release (but will be out in the States soon enough), and is incredible! I have never heard Deerhoof like this. On they EP, they continue to create more poppy-sounding songs, but this time they put a distinctly Japanese twist on the whole thing. The seven songs incorporate a large amount of synthesizers and the like, and are very melodius, but still quite quirky. I love it!