Amestory, Dios (Malos), and Uh ...
A little slow on the uptake, I know ... the new Dios record is not out quite yet, but I usually get to record releases like, more than 2 weeks before the thing actually hits stores.
Dios had to change it's name because of some lawsuit (I'm starting to think that bands are inventing lawsuits to get more press ... I mean, what was the first thing that writers said about Dan Snaith's new Caribou name? That he had to change it because of a lawsuit! Every ... single ... article! AH!)
I don't think that a slight change in name gives you permission to release another self-titled record, but apparently Dios does. Their second LP, Dios (Malos) is out on the 11th. Check out EPK, a "normal" Dios song. I always imagine a California setting sun when I listen to them ... laying on the beach, the remaining surfers going back to their hammocks ... that sort of atmosphere, I feel, would work well with their musical style (although I am always a tad offset by the fat lead vocalist ... no offense!)
As for Amestory ...
I mention this Thousand Oaks, CA band because, to me, they sound similar to Dios. That relaxed guitar strumming ... chilled out drums ... whispy vocals. You get the idea. I'm under the impression that record releases can sometimes tend to be like movie releases. That is, the summer blockbusters "fit" the summer atmosphere, whereas the winter flicks tend to be more thought provoking ... perfect for a romantic cuddle night for you and your girlfriend (or boyfriend!) ...
Amestory "fits" the end-of-summer record bill very well, but I like 'em regardless ... listen to this nice song, #2.