Hey Hey My My
Truly, it is a great feeling to come across a group like Hey Hey My My. They're inspired, and so clearly doing what they're doing -- in this case, playing a folkier version of something the Beatles, Johnny Cash, or even Brian Wilson may have written thirty or forty years ago -- because it's simply what they like. It's an added bonus, I'd say, that the music they're creating happens to be oh-so-sweet and pleasant, yet emotionally provocative.
And on top of it all ... they're from France! I've never heard of a band of this quality and depth coming out of France. Again, I'm stunned ... amazing, these two.
So if you're into the likes of the Shins and the Beatles and the Kinks, and you enjoy a clear, crisp guitar cutting through mellow folk tunes, then Hey Hey My My is for you.
Be sure to check out their MySpace page as well ... stream a few more songs. But be sure to download this gem as well!
And be sure to catch their EP, which should be out next year. They're also planning on getting on over to America, so watch out for a tour! It shall be cool!
Hey Hey My My - Too Much Space