A Treat

It's been a while since I've checked up on what Darla has been up to, but from the little I got today, they're looking better than ever. They're big new signing is Mahogany, a Brooklyn octet with quite a Cocteau Twins fascination. Not only do they share a lot stylistically, but Robin Guthrie himself produced their latest record, Connectivity!.
Yeah, so they're pretty great ... and they've got a MySpace page. (I've gotta figure out a more creative way to advertise MySpace pages.)

And just because I think they're pretty cool (and also because they're ... Swedish!), I give you ... Ellis the Vacuumchild. They're swooning, big, ambitious guitar pop, and I like that. Good combination, so who can complain ... ?
Mahogany - Supervitesse
Ellis the Vacuumchild - Summer Shitty Songs
Ellis the Vacuumchild - Decapitation Spree
Ellis the Vacuumchild - US Male