
Not a whole lot is known about the enigmatic soul/jazz/funk/electronica/urban NYC trio, Kudu, so everyone! catch up here! These guys are musical wizards ... they jump from one dance-y, funky, rhythmic genre to the next in a heartbeat and unpredictably, but there are a few uniting aspects to all their songs.
The singer, Sylvia Gordon, has one of the strongest, most riveting voices in pop music today, recalling old R&B or more jazz/lounge-leaning singers.
The rhythm section is impeccable, too ... while Kudu is a live band, you can't help but feel as though you're listening to a little bit of drum 'n bass here and there just because of the sharpness and forcefulness of the drumming.
It's hard to place these three, and you know what? Don't even try. Kudu is doing something new and unique in the messy, confusing world of pop music, and that should be enough to spark anyone's interest. So check 'em out and try to track down their stellar 2006 LP, Death of the Party.
Kudu - Playing House
Kudu - Magic Touch
Kudu - Bar Star (In Flagranti's Sleek City Mix)