Bella Blow Up

Everyone really ought to trust Mint Records no matter what. They're more of a musical taste-maker than any blog out there, a fact which becomes especially clear when you look at their bizarre roster -- which features goofy pop bands like the Gay and Evaporators to the synth gods I Am Spoonbender to Lou Barlow. Most labels wouldn't be able to pull off a slew of releases that, seemingly, have not much in common.
That being said, it's pretty clear that you all ought to listen to Bella, a Canadian synth-pop band, prepping their debut LP, No One Will Know, for release on September 18. There's a little bit of New Wave and punk in here (re: Metric), but also something a little more accessible, perhaps, with rave-ups, boy-girl harmonies abound, and a tremendous number of spot-on hooks.
So pick it up in a few weeks, but listen to the couple of tracks below, just in case you're not 100% convinced that these three Canadian rock well.
Bella - Stay Here
Bella - No One Will Know
New to me, all...
But will check the sources out.