!Trash Yourself Destroys All!

Maybe it's just the confirmed news of Blur's reunification and recording of a new album, but Trash Yourself's cover of "Song 2" is right on. Right on.
The duo is unsigned (so uh ... jump on it?!), but that hasn't stopped them from hammering out a debut LP with the Toxic Avenger of all people (or maybe that's just for "Song 2," but regardless, I'm impressed). Chaotic, abbrasive, glitchy and real, real heavy, Trash Yourself is just what I want to hear the club next time. This sort of stuff never quite works for me on my computer speakers ... actually, it never works for me, really, when I'm not somewhere, and not just sitting at my desk, working, but I'm 100% certain that they'll be loads of fun live or played by a DJ live.
Grab a few tracks below and email then guys to pick 'em up! They deserve it!
!Trash Yourself - Song 2
!Trash Yourself - Song 2 (Trashed)
!Trash Yourself - Touch
Blur are definitly getting back together and recording a new album - with Grahem? must have missed this news - heard they were thinking about it.
(found your blog via mylot btw.)