Tahiti Boy & the Palmtree Family

Here's an unexpected treat for you all: Tahiti Boy & the Palmtree Family. The Parisian (?) collective makes really cheery, really jumpy, really flat-out fun tunes, the latest of which, "She Was Mine," was released on Arcade Mode.
A little bit of ska, a little bit of E.L.O. (as much as it pains me to say so), a little bit of the Beach Boys, a little bit of ragga, a little bit of rockabilly. Just know that these dudes sound like they formed in 1975 rather than 2005. Burt Bacharach? I don't know, man ...
Tahiti Boy et. al. were filmed a while back for the thirty-fourth installation of La Blogotheque's Take Away Shows. It's good. Check it out after the jump.
Tahiti Boy & the Palmtree Family - She Was Mine