Dead Disco Pulls № 4

My good friend, Josh Taylor, a.k.a. Prince Language, has been putting out disco edits on his little label Editions Disco for a few years now and these are two of my favorite cuts.
The Gino Soccio jam is one of the best edits I've ever heard. It's simple (no flashy, in-your-face filtering or remixing or anything) and clearly an ode to the Canadian disco legend's greatness rather than just being yet another club-ready boogie ("Love Is" is not a song you want to screw up―it's already just about perfect). "Yo Son" is more of a cut-and-paste job, but it's pretty spectacular in its own right. The track sounds like what would happen if Talking Heads transplanted themselves to the Middle East and took up disco production of the smooth, sultry, and soothing variety.
Happy hump day!
Gino Soccio - Love Is (Edit De Prince Language)
Prince Language - Yo Son (Edit De Prince Language)
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