BBBD Mix: "0707"

I haven't posted in an ungodly long amount of time, and for that I sincerely apologize. As you all know by now, BBBD can barely be considered an active blog―it's more a personal alias and handle than anything else. That said, I do like to keep it around and I'll try my best to continue to publish thing to it every once in a while.

Today's mix was prompted by a four-hour set my good friend Jacques Renault and I are playing on July 10 at the Williamsburg American Apparel store. I do not publicly DJ―that's not my role in this world by any means―but every once in a while I like to goof around with a friend on the turntables. Since I haven't made a mix in a while, I decided to sit down for an hour today and get back in the groove of things. I think it turned out pretty well.

Please swing by and say hi if you're in Brooklyn this Saturday.

Nik Mercer - 0707 Mix

Sorry folks―no tracklist this time around!

Buy it at Insound!
