Havana Exotica

A streak of Japanese music right now.

I stumbled into a Yumiko Ohno (大野由美子) rabbit hole after metaphorically dusting off some old records by her most established band, Buffalo Daughter. She was—is—far more prolific than I understood her to be, having collaborated with all sorts of fringe, alt, indie, out-there musicians since the 80s.

Havana Exotica was her first group, an all-female band that genre-hopped with hyperactive madness, so much so that listening to their albums can you whiplash. Be careful. Mr. Bungle and Primus acid-prog, Chili Peppers slap-bass metal-funk, feather-soft reggae dub.

In fact, Mad Professor mixed some of the cuts off their second LP, 踊ってばかりの国. Commitment.
